
The Euroregion Tatry Cross-border Cooperation Association is formed by the Euroregion Tatry with its headquarters in Nowy Targ and the Tatry Region Association with its headquarters in Kežmarok. The two organizations share common leadership, and the organs of the Association are the Congress, the Council, the Board of Control, the Directors of the offices in Nowy Targ and Kežmarok and the standing committees.

The highest authority of Euroregion Tatry is Congress consisting of 70 deputies – 35 for each side. The Congress is convened at least once a year. It undertakes decisions agreed upon by both parties in the presence of one half of deputies on each side.

Executive power of Euroregion belongs to the Council which consists of 14 members – 7 of each side. The Council is called upon by the Congress for the period of 2 years and it elects its Chairman - nominated for 2 years- Polish and Slovak alternately.

The Council performs its tasks through 2 secretaries, on Polish and Slovak side respectively. The secretaries run their offices in Nowy Targ and Kežmarok. Each party keeps its office separately.

Advisory bodies of the Council targeted at the solving real problems are the following Commissions:
  • Economy
  • Environmental Protection
  • Culture
  • Information
  • Tourism
  • Sport and Youth.
The controlling organ of Euroregion is Auditorial Commission authorised to supervise all sectors of Euroregion. Auditorial Commission consists of 6 members – 3 for each side.

National unions of Poland and Slovakia accumulate funds needed for its operation on separate accounts. They come mainly from registration and membership fees, voluntary payments from towns and communes, grants, donations and other sources.